Glacier National Park

Glacier National Park
Singing Grizzlies

Monday, September 5, 2011

Prequel- Rendevous in Whitefish Montana 9/4/11

Thank the Lord for small Blessings! The roads were clear, the Montana Big Sky was cloudless, the planes were all on time – and thus we all arrived at approximately the same hour at our base camp, the Grouse Mountain Lodge in Whitefish Montana.  Circled by mountains and nestled at the foot of deep blue, sparkling Whitefish Lake, Whitefish is the penultimate tourist town. Its western motif contains Outfitters, boutiques, cowboy brewpubs and intriguing restaurants like Tupelo – a Cajun joint we plan to check out. 

Leaving the longsuffering Curt to clean the multitude of dead bugs from Vanna and other nasty chores, Charlie, Richard and Peter decided to take a tune up ride to get the kinks out – both of us and our cycles. 

We set out in search of a bike path rumored to run along the Whitefish River and up to the lake. We eventually found it, only to discover a critical section closed due to railroad construction. Montana still has its logging priorities, it seems.

Running out of bike path after only nine miles of flat riding, Richard brightly suggested that we ride up Big Mountain Road to check out the view of the valley from the ski area perched atop the mountain. Only a rookie would ignore the portent of that road’s name. And on a tune-up ride, when we really don’t need to. 

Not wanting to appear faint-hearted, Charlie and Peter feigned great interest in this idea, and so up Big Mountain we started.  For the cyclists reading, Big Mountain proved to be five miles of unrelenting 8-9% uphill grade. Or so we were told by someone who actually did the whole thing. We quit half way up. Nonetheless, even halfway up we were rewarded with an outstanding view of the lake below. The ride back down was much more pleasant. 

Monday we plan to ride from Whitefish to the gates of Glacier National Park, about 30 miles. We will then shuttle back in Vanna to Whitefish, as our Park lodging is unavailable until Tuesday, when the REAL riding begins!

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