Glacier National Park

Glacier National Park
Singing Grizzlies

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Get ready for daily updates for the Glacier Cycling Trip 2011!

Dear Friends,

On Sunday, September 4th 2011,  four ventursome fellows will rendevous in Whitefish Montana to prepare for the circumnavigation of Glacier National Park during the week of September 5-12.

The four hardy souls are Curt Johnson, driver and chaperone, Charlie Potts, on loan from Terre Haute IN, Richard Tanner, just returned from training in the Canadian wilderness, and Peter Conway, who has spent his summer at the beach in South Carolina and is in rather ill-prepared to climb mountains.

To give you a sense of where we are going, here is an excerpt from a travel brochure:
Glacier National Park. You know they call it Big Sky. But somehow you’re still amazed by how “big” it is. You question why you don’t live closer to the mountains. You enjoy hours of scenic roads and the sound of your wheels spinning. You finally understand what the Continental Divide is all about. You race someone to the next crystal blue lake. You ride and talk. You ride and not talk. You’re awestruck by a waterfall’s force. You swear you’ll never book an all-inclusive beach resort vacation again. You’re in two of North America’s greatest national parks. And you’ll never be the same.

This ride is purely for the fun and challenge of riding 60-75 miles a day for six days  up and over the Continental Divide, into Canada, and back over the divide via a different route. Those who have toured  to Glacier National Park before us assure us that the pain of climbing, for example, "The ROAD TO THE SUN" is offset by the amazing vistas at each haripin turn. We are also hoping to see, from a safe distance we hope, elk, deer, mountain goats, and even Grizzlies.

Check with us daily to learn the highs and lows of our Glacier experience!

1 comment:

  1. Looking good, Pedro. We will be following your latest excellent adventure. Our son Ethan and his wife Ashlee just spent a week hiking and camping in Glacier during July and sent incredible photos. Should be a fun trip for you.

    ~ Kent & Denise
